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ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action

 Room: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action is an on-line magazine and website conceived in the immediate wake of the 2016 US election as an agent of community- building and transformation.   Room exists on the interface between the public and the private spheres.  It has shed new light on the effect political reality has on our inner world and the effect psychic reality has on our politics.   Room’s resonance with poets, artists, writers, activists, musicians, and scientists has expanded the conversation and is bringing the relevance of psychoanalysis into more general community awareness.

Room’s editors have a hand in organizing submissions to bring forth new meanings and identify central ideas emerging within each iteration. In this way, Room parallels an analytic process: it is co-constructed and organic to itself.   We don’t know where the next issue of Room will take us any more than we can know where a single psychoanalytic hour might lead but, as it is with psychoanalysis, we hope that Room might help us find new ground together. Submissions are welcome.

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