To friends and interns Shalom,

Who said that all the Freudians had long since moved from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv? I would like to invite you to a special exhibition that will open in July at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The exhibition was born in the mind of a young curator, Morag Wilhelm, who found in the museum’s cellars a seal ring that was given to the museum as part of the estate of psychoanalyst Eva Rosenfeld. The tracing of the source of the ring that was included in Rosenfeld’s estate met Morag with an unknown chapter in the history of psychoanalysis – Freud’s rings.
In the two years I worked with the museum staff as a scientific adviser to the exhibition I had the privilege of meeting a lesser-known facet of Freud. And the result of our joint work on the subject yielded a collection of rings and other rare exhibits, which for the first time were assembled into one exhibition.You are all invited to the opening night on July 19 (attached to an invitation) and of course to the exhibition.