Click Here to Read:  The Psychoanalysis and Death of George Gershwin: An American Tragedy by Mark Leffert. 

George Gershwin

One thought on “The Psychoanalysis and Death of George Gershwin

  1. Thanks to Mark Leffert, we learn what early psychoanalysts did. No wonder our profession is in trouble. People like Zilboorg and others who trained today’s senior analysts (and I include Greenson) were arrogant and broke boundaries such as seeing friends and family of the patient.
    Today this profession is haunted by such stories – even though certain institutes focus on listening to each patient as individuals with humility and respect. CFS builds its curriculum on this important technique. Humility and respect have taken the place of arrogance in most analysts. But the training analyst system remains a detriment and it is my hope that this institution will soon be replaced at the American Psychoanalytic Association. Experience and consultation make competent analysts.

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