Click Here to Read:  Thucydides on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read:  History: The Trump team is obsessing over Thucydides, the ancient historian who wrote a seminal tract on war By Michael Crowley on the Politico website on June 21, 2017/

Click Here to Read:  The Thucydides Trap: Are the U.S. and China Headed for War? In 12 of 16 past cases in which a rising power has confronted a ruling power, the result has been bloodshed by Graham Allison on September 24, 2015.

Click Here to Read:   The Risks and Rewards of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War by S.M. Jaffe on the War on the Rocks website on July 6, 2017

Click Here to Read:   Thucydides and the Tragedy of Athens: A Parable for America by John H. Maurer on the Foreign Policy Research website on June 26, 2017.
This is the plaster cast bust currently in exposition of Zurab Tsereteli’s gallery in Moscow (part of Russian Academy of Arts), formerly from the collection of castings of Pushkin museum made in early 1900-1910s.

Original bust is a Roman copy (c. 100 CE) of an early 4th Century BCE Greek original, and is located in Holkham Hall in Norfolk, UK. 2008 Photo: shakko

Click Here to Read:  The Influence of Thucydides in the Modern World” The Father of Political Realism Plays a Key Role in Current Balance of Power Theories By Alexander Kemos on the Hellenic Research Network (HRI) website.

Click Here to Read:   Which Thucydides Can You Trust? by Mary Beard in the New York Review of Books on September 30, 2010 Issue.

Click Here to Read: List of Books on Thucydides on the Questia website.