November 2018 News & Events

Popular Articles from the Riggs Blog

“Virtuous Betrayal” and Institutional Integrity
James Krantz, PhD, was one of the featured speakers at the day-long Leadership and Institutional Integrity conference this past July at Riggs in memory of Dr. Wesley Carr. The conference examined current leadership pressures in our major institutions; in this blog, Dr. Krantz summarizes themes and ideas from his presentation. >>Read more

Why Paid Parental Leave Matters
The Board of Trustees of the Austen Riggs Center recently approved a new parental leave policy for Riggs employees that grants new mothers, fathers, and adoptive and foster parents up to nine weeks of fully paid leave (above and beyond any accrued paid time off) during the first year with their new child. Read the research basis that helped lead to this new policy. >>Read more



Video Blog: Technology, Psychoanalysis, and Desire: An Interview with Professor Alessandra Lemma
During a visit to the Austen Riggs Center earlier this year, Alessandra Lemma, MPhil, DClin Psych, spoke with us about technology; the relevance today of psychoanalytic approaches to understanding problems with technology, identity, and desire; and she offered some advice to parents about children’s technology use. >>Read more



Meet Riggs’ New Chief Nursing Officer:
Cheryl Puntil, MN, APRN, PMH-CNS, BC
“This is everything I wanted-the culmination of my career,” says Cheryl Puntil about her new role as Chief Nursing Officer at the Austen Riggs Center. She arrived in Stockbridge in late summer, prepared by a long and distinguished career in psychiatric nursing and confident that “all of my experiences brought me to this.”
>>Read more
Upcoming Events

The Psychology of Popular Anti-Semitism During the Third Reich
November 16, 2018
Presented by Thomas A. Kohut, PhD
Dr. Kohut received a BA from Oberlin College and a PhD in history from the University of Minnesota. He is also a graduate of the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute. He is currently the Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III Professor of History at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Kohut is a member of the Board of Trustees and Erikson Institute Council of Scholars of the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. >>Learn more

For a complete list of upcoming events, visit

Careers at Riggs

November Career Highlight:
Fellowship for Psychiatrists and Psychologists

We offer an Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program and Fellowship in Hospital-Based Psychotherapy for both psychiatrists (post-residency) and psychologists (postdoctoral).

Our training includes a systems perspective, emphasizing individual development across the lifespan from within familial and cultural contexts. Fellows learn to work with disturbances in patients’ interpersonal and treatment contexts that reflect and illuminate patients’ intrapsychic struggles, fostering a more integrative approach while developing leadership and consultative skills. >>Learn more

The Austen Riggs Center is committed to equal opportunity, a diverse workforce, and an inclusive environment. We seek to recruit, develop, and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool.

Looking for career opportunities at the Austen Riggs Center? Click here.
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