THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR PSYCHOANALYSIS: Established by Karen Horney in 1941 Continuing Education Program: 2 CONTACT HOURS for Licensed Social Workers 329 East 62nd St, New York, NY 10065 ●
Presenter: Austin Ratner, MD Date & Time: Thursday, November 14, 2019 [8:00 PM – 10:00 PM] Contact Hours: 2 (for Licensed Social Workers) Location: 329 East 62nd St (Bet. 1st & 2nd Avenues), NYC 10065
Overview: Dr. Ratner’s new book, The Psychoanalyst’s Aversion to Proof, presents original new ideas for healing the age-old divide between psychoanalysis and the other mental health fields. According to Freud’s theory of public resistance to psychoanalysis, medical institutions and authorities would never let go of their biases against psychoanalysis, whose pronouncements about painful aspects of human nature were too difficult to hear. Freud and later analysts have appealed to the theory of public resistance to justify their passivity about proving and promoting psychoanalysis. But is that theory correct? Dr. Ratner proposes an alternative hypothesis—proof aversion—to explain the passivity and, hopefully, to help cure it so that psychoanalysis can regain its eminent place among the mental sciences.
Learning Objectives:
1. Educate psychoanalysts about proof aversion.
2. Discuss Freud’s authoritarianism as a byproduct of his proof aversion, and examine how that authoritarianism relates to the history of AIP.
3. Open a dialogue and answer questions.
Austin Ratner is author of 4 books of fiction and non-fiction. He has written on psychoanalytic topics for newspapers and academic journals, including The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Psychoanalytic Review, and The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. Austin received his M.D. from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and studied psychoanalysis through a mentorship with the American Psychoanalytic Association. His 2009 novel The Jump Artist won the Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature and was praised by Harpers Magazine as a “remarkable work.”
The American Institute for Psychoanalysis is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0338.
If you would like to register by phone or inquire about a course, presentation or CE credits, please call the American Institute for Psychoanalysis (AIP) at 212-838-8044 or email
This meeting has been approved for 2 contact hours for licensed social workers. A certificate will be mailed to those who sign the attendance sheet, complete an evaluation and pay an administrative fee of $10