We are thrilled to announce that all three issues of ROOM 2020 are now available for purchase in printed premium quality editions. Each magazine bookmarks a historic moment of this incredible year. As 2020 draws to a close, look back and remember what we are changing together. Pick it up, put it down. Curl up on your couch with ROOM.
Available for purchase from Amazon and Barnes and Noble 

Amazon link to buy ROOM 2.20
Amazon link to buy ROOM 6.20
Amazon link to buy ROOM 10.20

Barnes and Noble link to buy ROOM 2.20
Barnes and Noble link to buy ROOM 6.20
Barnes and Noble link to buy ROOM 10.20

To find other distributors in Europe please visit our website:

ROOM’s Digital Edition will always remain free in its two formats: the Web Archive and the PDFs. We thank all our collaborators and sponsors for their continuous support in making ROOM possible.

Some spontaneous emails received from ROOM 6.20 Readers:
Room 6.20 – A Sketchbook for Analytic Action is a beautifully produced journal with inspiring artwork combined with the many equally inspiring writings… I recommend the online version but I suggest you embrace the pleasure of holding the paper copy. Sturdy stock, graceful photographs and thoughtful reflections of our colleagues. A sensual treat for these times of deprivations. Harvey Schwartz – Philadelphia

The new issue of ROOM, had just the right tone for those of us wearily, thoughtfully, caringly accompanying our patients on their journeys. The poems, the art, the letters from colleagues all over the world offered the reader a quiet  and comforting space/ Room to hear the experiences ,  the worries, the anxieties, and the love that informs our the commitment to do our work. We did not need an issue of Room, filled with fire and vitriol, with hope or despair. We needed this one, where people spoke, were heard and conversed with one another. Leni Winn – New York

I have been reading through issue 6.20 of Room. It’s …I’m having trouble finding a word that expresses how meaningful the words, pictures, layout, the whole, is for me, for us. This is a treasure! There’s so much love, thoughtfulness, compassion, truth, beauty. Truly inspired and so well conceived and constructed. This is a collection to read and re-read over time. You’ve put together a testament to an extraordinary time in which we continue to be making sense and meanings. Alice Lowe Shaw – San Francisco

The vision that ROOM upholds is precious and it does so with clarity, strength and also grace, and a stunning aesthetic beauty in its pages. Thank you especially for having had the vision to dedicate this issue to the pandemic experience. Every single time —and it has been often!— that I scroll down the images, words, photos my eyes get wet. So much of what we have lived through is on these pages!, all of it did indeed happen!  The sense of witnessing and truth that exudes from these pages has a holding, validating and healing effect for me. We are all going through a massive global trauma. Certainly it is not the first time in our human history, but perhaps the first time that we can share it and witness it this way, in vivo, in all its global scale. Stefania Baresic – Toronto