The Rapaport-Holt Correspondence

Click Here to Purchase:  The Rapaport-Holt Correspondence from 

The correspondence between Robert Holt and David Rapaport is, indeed, a treasure trove. It reveals the thinking of two theoretical giants of psychoanalysis, each one providing intellectual stimulation to the other. This correspondence will be of great value to anyone interested in psychoanalytic history and theory. But further, it is not only a reminder of the halcyon days of psychoanalytic influence and theorizing, but can serve Continue reading The Rapaport-Holt Correspondence

Interview with Daniel Benveniste

Click Here to Read:  Interview with Daniel Benveniste, Author of “The Interwoven Lives of Sigmund, Anna, and W. Ernest Freud: Three Generations of Psychoanalysis” on the Author Voices website.
Click Here to Purchase:  The Interwoven Lives of Sigmund, Anna and W. Ernest Freud by Daniel Benveniste on
Click Here to Purchase: Anna Freud in the Hampstead Clinic: Letters from Anna Freud to Humberto Nágera edited by Daniel Benveniste.