Coming Soon: Two Graphic Novels by Sarah Boxer

Click Here to Read about and PreOrder:  Mother May I? by Sarah Boxer from IPBooks. 

Click Here to Read about and PreOrder: In the Floyd Archives by Sarah Boxer from IPbooks.

What is the In the Floyd Archives ? In the Floyd Archives is a graphic novel, drawn and written by Sarah Boxer, lightly based on Freud’s famous case histories – the Wolf Man, the Rat Man, Dora and Little Hans. The psychoanalyst, Dr. Floyd, is a bird. Continue reading Coming Soon: Two Graphic Novels by Sarah Boxer

The Problem of Self-Disclosure with Arnold Richards, M.D. at NYPSI

WORKS IN PROGRESS SEMINAR; The Problem of Self-Disclosure with Arnold Richards, M.D.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019 | 8:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$20 – General Admission
$15 – Student Admission
No charge for NYPSI members/students
Register HERE, visit or call 212.879.6900

Works in Progress Seminar: The Problem of Self-Disclosure
This paper discusses the difference between self-disclosure and self-
Continue reading The Problem of Self-Disclosure with Arnold Richards, M.D. at NYPSI

The Mystery of Max Eitingon: An Exchange

Click Here to Read: ‘The Mystery of Max Eitingon’: An Exchange by Stephen Schwartz, Vitaly Rapoport, and Walter Laqueur, reply by Theodore H. Draper in the New York Review of Books in the June 16, 1988 issue.

Freud and other psychoanalysts : (left to right seated) Freud, Sàndor Ferenczi, and Hanns Sachs (standing) Otto Rank, Karl Abraham, Max Eitingon, and Ernest Jones: Date: 1922  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Pie Fidelity

Click Here to Read:  Pie Fidelity by Pete Brown review – in defence of British Food:  From pork pies with mushy peas to the full English fry up … a sentimental celebration of a nation’s traditional grub by Jonathan Meades on the Guardian website on March 27,  2019.

A cooked toad in the hole in a baking dish, on a table ready to serve. Photo: Robert Gibert. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.