Available for Preorder: Warmed by the Fires: Selected Papers of Allan Frosch from IPBooks

Click Here to Preorder: Warmed by the Fires: Selected Papers of Allan Frosch on IPBooks.net 

Advance Praise for Warmed by the Fires:

“A rare and sensitively written collection of writings inspired by the uniquely gifted psychoanalyst, Allan Frosch, a North American analytic clinician, teacher, thinker and writer of the highest caliber. Frosch’s own papers demonstrate remarkable breadth and depth while carrying a humble brilliance that embodies the soul and wisdom of an authentic psychoanalytic genius. The essays by Frosch’s colleagues, each bringing both a personal and scholarly perspective to the generous work of their late colleague, serve to illuminate his curious, independent-minded thinking across a wide range of analytic issues and ideas. What comes through both in Frosch’s Continue reading Available for Preorder: Warmed by the Fires: Selected Papers of Allan Frosch from IPBooks