The Vanished Last Scream: Winnicott and Bion with Ofra Eshel at IPTAR

Iptar presents Ofra Eshel, PsyD “The Vanished Last Scream: Winnicott and Bion” Tuesday, May 28th from 8:00 to 10:00 PM IPTAR, 1651 Third Ave, suite 205 Attendance is FREE but please register at:                                    8:00 –   8:30   Refreshments 8:30 – 10:00   Dr. Eshel’s presentation followed by questions and comments from the audience

Ofra Eshel, PsyD, is a training and supervising analyst and faculty member of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, and a member of the Continue reading The Vanished Last Scream: Winnicott and Bion with Ofra Eshel at IPTAR

Modern Conflict Theory in PracticeIan D. Buckingham at NYPSI

NYPSI EXTENSION PROGRAM: Modern Conflict Theory in Practice
Ian D. Buckingham, M.D. April 18, 25; May 2, 9, 2019 Thursdays, 8:30 – 10:00 pm 4 classes  /  $120 Location: NYPSI: 247 East 82nd Street, NYC
Register Today

NYPSI Extension Program: Modern Conflict Theory in Practice
A contemporary focus on the functioning of the mind from the perspective of Modern Conflict Theory, with emphasis on Brenner’s revisions of traditional structural theory and a new appreciation of the ideas of evolutionary biology for understanding the functioning of the mind.

6 CME/CE credits offered.

Dr. Buckingham was formerly President of NYPSI and Director of its Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program. He is on the faculty of both NYPSI and NYU Medical Center. Continue reading Modern Conflict Theory in PracticeIan D. Buckingham at NYPSI

Open House at WCSPP

Psychoanalysis, traditionally conducted on a couch, multiple times per week with a silent, blank-slate analyst, has evolved!
OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 30, 2019 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Learn about our Foundational Principles and Techniques of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program and our Advanced Psychoanalytic Training Program.  Our post-graduate training opportunities allow for individual flexibility in the content and timing of training.

Training at WCSPP will help you to:
use contemporary psychoanalytic concepts in a range of clinical settings to facilitate change and growth in your patients
Continue reading Open House at WCSPP

Austen Riggs: Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Submissions now being accepted
for $3,000 Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media

The Austen Riggs Center announces a call for entries for its centennial year 2019 Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media.

The Austen Riggs Center Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media recognizes a select group of professional journalists, writers, and media professionals who create exemplary work that contributes to the public’s understanding of mental health issues. Continue reading Austen Riggs: Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media

Eyes Wide Shut: A Psychoanalytic Investigation with Mary Wild at NYPSI

A.A. BRILL LIBRARY EVENT: Eyes Wide Shut: A Psychoanalytic Investigation
with Mary Wild  Wednesday, April 17, 2019 | 7:00 – 9:00 pm New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute The Marianne and Nicholas Young  Auditorium  247 East 82nd Street | New York City

General Admission: $10 All proceeds support the A.A. Brill Library.
Register HERE, visit or call 212.879.6900

Eyes Wide Shut is an erotic drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick – released in 1999, it is the final feature he completed before dying that same year at the age of 70. Based on Arthur Schnitzler’s 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), it depicts the ambivalent role of extra-marital fantasies revealed by a woman to her husband in a seemingly happy relationship. One would be forgiven to suspect that, over the course of his career, Kubrick was working his way to an investigation of female desire by first tackling less daunting subjects in earlier works (e.g., war, outer space, ultraviolence and horror)!

Starring the then-still-married actors Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, Eyes Continue reading Eyes Wide Shut: A Psychoanalytic Investigation with Mary Wild at NYPSI

The Therapuetic Action of Working with Erotic Transference in Memory of Lew Aron at ORI

Dear All,

You are invited to be a part of the conference of the Object Relations Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Pre-registration is still open. Here is some information about the conference:


When: Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 (9:30am-4:30 pm) Where: St. John’s University, Manhattan Campus,  101 Astor Place, NYC, 10003 or via VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION

Keynote speaker: Susan Kavaler-Adler, PhD, ABPP, DLitt, NCPsyA
Discussants: Margaret Yard, PhD, APRN & Stephanie Teitelbaum, LCSW-R, NCPsyA
Moderator: Eva Papiasvili, PhD, ABPP
In Memoriam: Dr. Lewis (“Lew”) Aron

During the last month’s preparation to this conference, we’ve learned about untimely death of Dr. Lew Aron, a distinguished psychoanalyst and teacher, Continue reading The Therapuetic Action of Working with Erotic Transference in Memory of Lew Aron at ORI

Working with Profound Childhood Sexual Trauma with Gene Yellin at MITPP


This workshop will focus on psychotherapy with a young female suffering from post-traumatic stress subsequent to a rape by a priest when she was 7 years old.  The details of the therapy will demonstrate the experiential difficulties encountered over a five-year treatment and what was required from the therapist to help this woman begin to come to terms with her trauma.  The profound complications of how non-empathic caregivers influenced her character development will be examined.  Countertransference with such patients will be explored. Participants will be encouraged to offer their own clinical vignettes in their work with sexually traumatized patients. Continue reading Working with Profound Childhood Sexual Trauma with Gene Yellin at MITPP