NYPSI’s 1032nd Scientific Program Meeting: Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age: A Panel Discussion with Gillian Isaacs Russell, PhD; Todd Essig, PhD; and David Goldenberg, MD
Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age: A Panel Discussion
Gillian Isaacs Russell, PhD; Todd Essig, PhD; David Goldenberg, MD Moderator: Rebecca Twersky, MD
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 8 – 10 pm, New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute, 247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves), $15 – General Admission, $10 – Student Admission (non-NYPSI)
No charge for NYPSI members and students,
Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
Digital technology has created powerful methods of communication that were previously unimaginable in any setting, let alone a psychoanalytic treatment. Many clinicians have embraced these technological advances for their convenience and promise of facilitating long distance treatment, or even local treatment conducted outside the office setting. And many patients are comfortable with distance treatment, or express a preference for it, especially younger Continue reading Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age: A Panel Discussion at NYPSI