New Venue, Registration Reopened–Andrew Druck, October 14, Norbert Freedman Memorial Lecture

Click Here to View:  Flyer for this meeting

Greeting to all,
In an effort to accommodate as many as possible, we are pleased to announce that we have found a larger venue for this event.
Registration has been reopened, please get your tickets now!
*Please note venue change below

IPTAR is proud to honor Dr. Andrew Druck. His contributions to psychoanalytic theory and technique, beginning with early insights into the treatment of borderline patients, have expanded over the years to include considerations of the interplay of unconscious conflict and its developmental context; the relation of theory to technique; the complexity of the analytic relationship, including the role of the analyst in helping patients maintain or develop compromised Continue reading New Venue, Registration Reopened–Andrew Druck, October 14, Norbert Freedman Memorial Lecture



The Beyond the Basic Curriculum Committee is pleased to offer the following courses. ALL ARE AVAILABLE FOR CE CREDIT FOR SOCIAL WORKERS, LPs and ART THERAPISTS. Approximately one month before a course begins, a registration form for it is posted at the bottom of the course description each time the course is advertised. Beyond the Basic Curriculum courses are open to candidates (ADULT, CAP, INTEGRATED programs) who are past their second year of study, and to IPTAR members. In addition, they are often open to candidates and members of other institutes. IPTAR candidates who have completed their coursework but have not yet graduated are required to take one BBC course per year. Continue reading BEYOND THE BASIC CURRICULUM 2018- 2019 AT IPTAR

Analytic Listening: Foundations of Psychoanalytic Practice at CFS

The Psychoanalytic Training Institute of The Contemporary Freudian Society: Analytic Listening: Foundations of Psychoanalytic Practice

We are pleased to offer a six-week course on analytic listening and concepts beginning Fall 2018. This course qualifies for 9 Continuing Education credits.

This course is suitable for students from a wide variety of backgrounds, including practicing clinicians from all disciplines, recent graduates of masters-level or doctoral-level programs, professionals considering changing careers, and anyone interested in exploring the possibility of post-graduate psychoanalytic training.

Applicants to our training program are also encouraged to enroll.
Instructors: Ani Buk, MA, LP, LCAT and Emily Schlesinger, LCSW
Dates: Tuesdays, September 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30
Continue reading Analytic Listening: Foundations of Psychoanalytic Practice at CFS

“Exploring the Use & Misuse of Race in the Clinical Encounter” with Narendra Keval at CFS Brooklyn

The Contemporary Freudian Society Psychoanalytic Brooklyn Program Chair, Gloria Demby Celebrating CFS’s new clinical center on Court Street in downtown Brooklyn A series of psychoanalytic salons and seminars, in Brooklyn (!)
Invites you to attend our first meeting:

“Exploring the Use & Misuse of Race in the Clinical Encounter” Presenter: Narendra Keval, London
Invited Discussant: Marsha Levy-Warren Date & Time: Saturday October 27, 2018 from 10am to 2:30pm
Location: 465 Henry Street, Brooklyn 11231

Preoccupations about differences due to ethnicity, race or racism and their lived experience are always present in subtle ways in the privacy of our daily thoughts and feelings, imagination and dreams. Our clinical encounters are no Continue reading “Exploring the Use & Misuse of Race in the Clinical Encounter” with Narendra Keval at CFS Brooklyn

Them Not Us: Finding Racist States of Mind where You Least Expect with Joseph Reynoso, Ph.D. at MITPP

The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health and The Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists
Invite you to a Scientific Meeting: Friday, November 16, 2018 – 7:30 PM

Psychoanalytic scholars have increasingly addressed the unconscious dynamics involved in racial prejudice. Unsurprisingly, the subjects of this work are frequently persons whose personalities (or parts thereof) are understood to be categorically racist. Following the results of the 2016 election, however, many Americans were confronted by the capacity seemingly non-racist individuals have to endorse social aggression in political leadership. Dr. Reynoso will challenge the method of pursuing racial hate in the mind of “the racist.” The presentation will describe how the pragmatic efficiency of racist templates defend against the ever-present threat of intolerable anxieties in all individuals. Continue reading Them Not Us: Finding Racist States of Mind where You Least Expect with Joseph Reynoso, Ph.D. at MITPP

The Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis: The Mind of the Artist: October 26 – 27, 2018 at NYPSI

A Two-Day Conference jointly sponsored by the Scientific Program Committee and
The Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis: The Mind of the Artist: October 26 – 27, 2018
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute: 247 E. 82nd Street, New York City

Speaking from a theoretical perspective, Friday evening’s panelists will consider the relation between artistic creativity and psychoanalytic treatment, the significance (if any) of the high incidence of affective disorders among literary and visual artists, the paradigm of art as reparation of early object relations, and the like. The relevance of Freud’s notion of sublimation to more recent explanations of the intra- and inter-psychic valuations of imaginative expression and the relationship of imagination to the self, to mechanisms of defense and agency, will be explored. Saturday morning’s session will be devoted to a discussion with literary and visual artists on the notion of art as play, the neurobiological aims of that instinct in the making of meaning, the relation of id and ego function to unconscious fantasy and its expression in art, and how artistic expression bears upon our neuroscientific understanding of pleasure and reward. A plenary session by Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel will be offered in the Continue reading The Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis: The Mind of the Artist: October 26 – 27, 2018 at NYPSI