Beyond the Basic Curriculum at IPTAR


Sept. 25: “Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis” – Film to be shown in its entirety followed by discussion with the audience. Discussant: Anton Hart, Ph.D.

Oct. 16: “Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age”
Panelists: Todd Eissig, Ph.D.; David Goldenberg, M.D., Gillian Isaacs Russell, Ph.D., Rebecca Twersky, M.D. (moderator)

Oct. 26 – 27: CONFERENCE jointly sponsored by the Scientific Program Committee and the Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis: “THE MIND OF THE ARTIST”
Fri eve: Jean-Michel Rabaté, Ph.D.; Danielle Knafo, Ph.D.; Peter Rudnytsky, Ph.D., LCSW; Joel Whitebook, Ph.D.; Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. (moderator)
Sat AM: Sue Gosin, M.F.A.; Siri Hustvedt, Ph.D.; Eliza Kentridge; Mark Solms, Ph.D. (moderator)
Sat PM: Eric Kandel, M.D., Nobel Laureate followed by Q & A with all
Continue reading Beyond the Basic Curriculum at IPTAR

Scientific Program Meetings at NYPSI


Sept. 25: “Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis” – Film to be shown in its entirety followed by discussion with the audience. Discussant: Anton Hart, Ph.D.

Oct. 16: “Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age”
Panelists: Todd Eissig, Ph.D.; David Goldenberg, M.D., Gillian Isaacs Russell, Ph.D., Rebecca Twersky, M.D. (moderator)

Oct. 26 – 27: CONFERENCE jointly sponsored by the Scientific Program Committee and the Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis: “THE MIND OF THE ARTIST”
Fri eve: Jean-Michel Rabaté, Ph.D.; Danielle Knafo, Ph.D.; Peter Rudnytsky, Ph.D., LCSW; Joel Whitebook, Ph.D.; Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. (moderator)
Sat AM: Sue Gosin, M.F.A.; Siri Hustvedt, Ph.D.; Eliza Kentridge; Mark Solms, Ph.D. (moderator)
Sat PM: Eric Kandel, M.D., Nobel Laureate followed by Q & A with all
Continue reading Scientific Program Meetings at NYPSI

Basic Concepts in a Pluralistic Analytic Landscape with Arnold Richards, M.D. at MITPP

160 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024
Phone: (212) 496-2858 Email: Website:
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Dr. Arnold Richards will compare essential concepts in psychoanalytic theory from Freudian, Kleinian, Object Relational, Relational and Intersubjective perspectives. Transference, countertransference, interpretation, dreams and dreaming, self-disclosure and self-revelation will be explored in depth in this five-week lunch hour seminar, open to the professional community. This is an extraordinary opportunity to study these concepts in depth with a seminal thinker, gifted teacher and prolific contributor to psychoanalysis. Continue reading Basic Concepts in a Pluralistic Analytic Landscape with Arnold Richards, M.D. at MITPP

Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis (1976) with Anton Hart, Ph.D. Film Screening & Discussion at NYPSI

NYPSI’s 1031st Scientific Program Meeting: Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis (1976) with Anton Hart, Ph.D. Film Screening & Discussion:
Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis (1976)

Post-film Discussant: Anton Hart, Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 8 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)

In 1976, Gail Wyatt, Ph.D., of UCLA, brought together Drs. Ralph Greenson and Ellis Toney, former analyst and analysand, respectively, to discuss the psychoanalytic work they had completed together more than 25 years before, when Dr. Toney was a candidate at the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute. Dr. Greenson was white and Dr. Toney Continue reading Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis (1976) with Anton Hart, Ph.D. Film Screening & Discussion at NYPSI

Treating Gender Non-conforming Children and Their Parents with Kim Kleinman at MITPP


Instructor: Kim S. Kleinman, LCSW, MS
The knowledge base concerning the development of gender non-conforming people has expanded exponentially in the last ten years. This course will survey the history of treating gender variant children and help to identify what type of developmental help can be tailored to the particular child in our office. We will also discuss the path toward the development of a positive gender identity for a child who experiences themselves as different. What are the issues related to “puberty blockers.” What are the issues around gender transitioning? What are the social skills necessary for the development of resilience for a child that may experience social negativity about their gender
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“Leadership and Institutional Integrity” Theme of July 21st Austen Riggs Center Conference

For Immediate Release Media Contact: Aaron M. Beatty, Communications Officer, 413.931.5245 “Leadership and Institutional Integrity” Theme of July 21st Austen Riggs Center Conference

Conference held in memory of the late Rev. Dr. A. Wesley Carr
Stockbridge, MA – June 28, 2018 – The Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center is pleased to announce “Leadership and Institutional Integrity,” a one-day conference on Saturday, July 21, being held in memory of the Rev. Dr. A. Wesley Carr, former Dean of Westminster Abbey (1997-2006), former Erikson Scholar, and former member of the Erikson Institute Council of Scholars of the Austen Riggs Center. The conference examines current leadership pressures in our major institutions of education, arts, government, and healthcare.
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Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Body Pain and Trauma at CFS

The Contemporary Freudian Society Presents Finding Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Body Pain and Trauma
Sunday, October 21, 2018 1:00-4:00pm
PRESENTERS: Paula L. Ellman and Nancy R. Goodman (Chairs).
Part I – Nancy R. Goodman, Janice Lieberman, and Carolyn S. Ellman
Part II – Paula L. Ellman, Batya Monder, and Arlene Kramer Richards

Nancy Goodman and Paula Ellman chair the two parts of this program introducing discoveries from their new book, Finding Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Trauma, and Body Pain: A Clinical Guide (publisher, Routledge 2017. The presentations by contributors in the book demonstrate the way Trauma and Body Pain join and interweave with Narrative in discovering dimensions of unconscious life causing pain and conflict for patients. Emphasis is on the processes involved to make contact with the patient and with unconscious fantasies appearing as scenes in the “theater of the mind”. Continue reading Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Body Pain and Trauma at CFS