Screening & Discussion of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation with Helen K. Gediman at NYPSI

Brill Library Film Series: Screening & Discussion of The Conversation with Helen K. Gediman, Ph.D.

Screening & Discussion of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation Helen K. Gediman, PhD
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 7:30 – 10:00 pm The Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium 247 East 82nd Street, NYC

Francis Ford Coppola’s 1974 masterpiece, The Conversation, is the brilliant forerunner of films in the surveillance stalking genre in which professionals are paid to stalk. The incomparable Gene Hackman portrays a schizoid private investigator whose personality deteriorates under work-related personal guilt that breaks through his characteristic dissociative defenses. The surveillance technology of the Watergate era that sustain his fragile persona is uncannily prescient of present-day omnipresent hacking in Cyberspace. For chills and thrills in great cinema, come one and all.

General Admission – $15
Student Admission – $10

All proceeds support the A.A. Brill Library Continue reading Screening & Discussion of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation with Helen K. Gediman at NYPSI

FOUNDATIONS: Denied Origin: The Koran and the Question of Subjectivity with Angelo Villa at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents:

FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS: Denied Origin: The Koran and the Question of Subjectivity with Angelo Villa , Thursday, April 26, 2018 · 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm, The School of Visual Arts, 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY,

Elements for understanding the founding scripture of Islam

Suggested Readings: S. Freud: “The Dissolution of the Oedipus Complex” (1924). J.Lacan: Seminar VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, 1959-60, class 24, July 6, 1960, “The paradoxes of ethics, or Have you acted in conformity with your desire? Continue reading FOUNDATIONS: Denied Origin: The Koran and the Question of Subjectivity with Angelo Villa at Après-Coup

Mentalising Homeostasis: The Somatic and Social Origins of the Self Presenter with Katerina Fotopoulou, Ph.D. at Pfeffer Center at NYPSI

Mentalising Homeostasis: The Somatic and Social Origins of the Self Presenter: Katerina Fotopoulou, Ph.D.

Saturday, May 5, 2018 at 10 am The Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium 247 E. 82nd Street, NYC

Free and open to the public RSVP is appreciated but not required; first come, first-seated To register, click HERE, visit, or call 212.879.6900

According to cognitive neuroscience there are at least two ways of knowing yourself: One, through integrating multimodal signals into an egocentric reference frame and assigning the first person perspective; another, through the cognitive ability to disengage from the embodied first person perspective and adopt another person’s perspective on your experience. These research traditions have progressed with relative independence in the field. For example, different paradigms examine feelings of body ownership and agency from a first person perspective (e.g. the Rubber Hand Illusion) versus third person perspective, self-recognition in mirrors. Inspired by psychoanalytic insights on development, Dr. Fotopoulou will present a set of behavioural and neuroscientific studies with healthy individuals, neurological patients with right-hemisphere damage, and patients with anorexia nervosa, putting forward the idea that first and third-person perspectives on the self dissociate and proximal, embodied experiences of affective congruency may act as the Continue reading Mentalising Homeostasis: The Somatic and Social Origins of the Self Presenter with Katerina Fotopoulou, Ph.D. at Pfeffer Center at NYPSI

“Revolutions in Technique” program, with a rare appearance by Ron Britton at IPTAR

20Please join us for the final IPTAR “Revolutions in Technique” program, with a rare appearance by Ron Britton, Post-Kleinian master clinician and scholar. Please register soon as this is a unique opportunity to hear a prolific writer and important psychoanalytic thinker and promises to fill up quickly. We are also fortunate to have IPTAR discussant Neal Vorus and moderator Carolyn Ellman.
IPTAR PRESENTS REVOLUTIONS IN TECHNIQUE: On Klein’s r/evolution in psychoanalysis Ron Britton, MD Discussant: Neal Vorus, PhD
Moderator: Carolyn Ellman, PhD May 5th, 2018 9:00 am – 4:30 pm IPTAR, 1651 Third Ave, suite 205 Register here:

ADMISSION General: $125 includes 5 CE credits Candidates: $25 includes 5 CE credits

9am – 9:30am — BREAKFAST

9:30am – 10:45 am: Dr. Ron Britton (followed by audience Q&A)
The paper describes the evolution of so called post-Kleinian analysis and its current style as exemplified in the work of Ronald Britton. The development of a method of using psychoanalysis with young children largely based on the application of dream analysis to children’s play made considerable changes to adult analysis. A child case is described that illustrates manifest recapitulation in play of an immediate life trauma and its segregation from the primitive phantasy that existed in the child’s frightening dream life. The paper discusses some of Britton’s own ideas and those shared with others such as John
Continue reading “Revolutions in Technique” program, with a rare appearance by Ron Britton at IPTAR

Psychoanalytic Ethics and the Social Link at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents Psychoanalytic Ethics and the Social Link: Saturday, April 28, 2018 10:30 am – 2:00 pm The School of Visual Arts 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY

Helena Sedláčková Gibbs, “The Ethics of Dissent”
Lillian Ferrari, Discussant

Anna McLellan, “Examining Ethics and Its Social Context Through Story”
Mark Stafford, Discussant

Andrew Stein, “The Ethical Demands of the Mystic”
Peter Gillespie, Discussant
Continue reading Psychoanalytic Ethics and the Social Link at Après-Coup

La Situación Psicoanalítica: Latin American Contributions to Psychoanalysis at NYPSI

NYPSI’s 1029th Scientific Program Meeting: La Situación Psicoanalítica: Latin American Contributions to Psychoanalysis with moderator Luis Ripoll, MD and panelists Jorge Balan, PhD, Irene Cairo, MD, Rogelio Sosnik, MD

La Situación Psicoanalítica: Latin American Contributions to Psychoanalysis Moderator: Luis Ripoll, M.D. Panelists: Jorge Balan, Ph.D., Irene Cairo, M.D., and Rogelio Sosnik, M.D.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 8 pm New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute 247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
This panel will address a distinctly Latin-American perspective in psychoanalysis. Latin-American contributions to psychoanalysis have been of increasing interest in the age of psychoanalytic pluralism and, over time, they have come to be grouped together. Yet there is limited opportunity to study this collective contribution, especially where European, British, and North American psychoanalytic traditions prevail. To a greater extent than in other regions, psychoanalysis in Latin America has been characterized by an enthusiasm for object-relations theory, based largely on Melanie Klein’s depressive
Continue reading La Situación Psicoanalítica: Latin American Contributions to Psychoanalysis at NYPSI

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program Open House at NYPSI


Please join NYPSI members for an open house about the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program (PPP) at NYPSI.

It is an opportunity for licensed clinical social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatry residents, and psychology graduate students and other licensed mental health professionals to learn about how this intensive training program can enhance their theoretical knowledge and clinical skills in the practice of psychotherapy.We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions.


NYPSI’s Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training Program (PPP) is a 1-year certificate-granting intensive post-graduate training program. The curriculum combines theory and clinical study with case conferences as well as ongoing individual supervision with advanced faculty clinicians. As an advanced training program, we require completion of our PREP Program or equivalent educational and/or clinical experience. Continue reading Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program Open House at NYPSI