Click Here to Read: Twists of fate made Nagasaki a target 75 years ago: The Japanese port was not the U.S’s. first choice for a nuclear attack in August 1945, but shifting circumstances and last-minute choices doomed the city by Amy Briggs on the National Geographic Website on August 5, 2020. Atomic cloud over Nagasaki from Koyagi-jima Image: Hiromichi Matsuda (松田 弘道, ?-1969) Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Category: History
A White author grapples with a family history of racial oppression
He was an American child in Hiroshima on the day the atomic bomb dropped
Click Here to Read: He was an American child in Hiroshima on the day the atomic bomb dropped: Howard Kakita was visiting his grandparents when the United States destroyed the Japanese city 75 years ago By Ted Gup on the Washington Post website on August 4, 2020.
Atomic cloud over Hiroshima, taken from “Enola Gay” flying over Matsuyama, Shikoku Image: 509th Operations Group Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
The aftermath of the explosion in Beirut – in pictures
The Jews Who Fought for Nazi Germany
Click Here to Read: The Jews Who Fought for Nazi Germany: Traitors or survivors, cowards or brave men—fools or wise heeders of Jewish parables on the sanctity of each individual life? by Ellen Feldman on the Tablet website on August 5, 2020.
Half–Jew General Helmut Wilberg. Author Unknown. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
How James Baldwin spoke to immigrants like me
Sentenced with Mandela-A White Anti-Apartheid Story
Click Here to Read: Sentenced with Mandela-a White Anti-Apartheid Story By Miv Evans on the News Blaze website on July 22, 2020.
Denis Goldberg, South African anti-apartheid activist, speaking at the launch of the Edinburgh World Justice Festival, 12 October 2013 in the Grassmarket Community Centre. Image: Ric Lander Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.