Fact-checking ‘The Crown’: Did Sigmund Freud mistreat Prince Philip’s mother after a mental breakdown?

Click Here to Read:  Fact-checking ‘The Crown’: Did Sigmund Freud mistreat Prince Philip’s mother after a mental breakdown? Princess Alice was subjected to brutal treatment and eventually became a nun by By Michael S. Rosenwald in the Washington Post on November 23, 2019.
Princess Alice of Greece.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

The Incredible True Story of Prince Philip’s Mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg

Click Here to Read:  The Incredible True Story of Prince Philip’s Mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg: She was treated by Sigmund Freud and started a convent by Amy Macklenden on the Bazaar Magazine website on November 17, 2019.
Alice of Battenberg, Princess Andrew of Greece and Denmark.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Letter revealing a soft side to Freud’s personality to be sold at auction

Click Here to Read: Letter revealing a soft side to Freud’s personality to be sold at auction: In the letter, Freud refers to the personal tragedy that had just befallen a woman – the suicide of her ex-husband. He writes in a tone of sympathy and concern, and even offers her a brief “diagnosis By Idan Zonshine in the Jerusalem Post on November 17, 2019.
Click Here to Purchase: The Unknown Freud: Five Plays and Five Essays by Robert L. Lippman from IPbooks.net
Click Here to Purchase: Climate of Opinion: Sigmund Freud in Poetry edited and with introduction by Irene Willis from IPBooks.net