Review of Raymond J. Lawrence’s Book: Harry Stack Sullivan and Anton T. Boisen Comrades and Revolutionaries in Psychotherapy

Click Here to Read:  Review of Raymond J. Lawrence’s Book: Harry Stack Sullivan and Anton T. Boisen Comrades and Revolutionaries in Psychotherapy by Charla Hayden on the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy website.

Click Here to Purchase Harry Stack Sullivan and Anton T. Boisen Comrades and Revolutionaries in Psychotherapy  Raymond J. Lawrence from IPBooks.

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The Weekly Reader from the Yiddish Book Center

The long and complicated history of Jews in Ukraine was not always a happy one, but it would be a mistake to think of it as an unmitigated series of upheavals. To the contrary, the region gave rise to some of the greatest achievements of Jewish literature and culture, as the collections of the Yiddish Book Center bear witness. As exhibit A, you can listen to this program of readings and songs from Yiddish works in translation by Yiddish writers from Ukraine including Blume Lempel, Mendel Osherowitz, Dora Shulner, and Sholem Aleichem.

View our map of Yiddish writers who were born or lived or worked in Ukraine
Continue reading The Weekly Reader from the Yiddish Book Center