Historian Tuesday: Josephus

Click Here to Read:  Josephus on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: The Works of Flavius Josephus by William Whiston, Translator [1737]

Click Here to Read: The Life of Josephus on the Josephus.org website.

Click Here to Read: Josephus and Jesus By Paul L. Maier on the NAMB.net website.

Click Here to Read:  The Ancient Jewish Historian Josephus on John the Baptizer, Jesus, and James on the James Tabor blog on February 21, 2017.

Josephus by William Whiston  Continue reading Historian Tuesday: Josephus

The Buried, Raging Sermons of the Warsaw Ghetto Rabbi

Click Here To Read: The Buried, Raging Sermons of the Warsaw Ghetto Rabbi: Sermons from the Years of Rage, 1939-1942, hidden during the war and now released in a new edition, is a rabbinic work unlike any since the destruction of the First Temple by James A. Diamond on the Mosaic website on April 5, 2018.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.  Photo: Jürgen Stroop. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Martin Luther King: January 15, 1929 to April 4, 1968

Click Here to Read  50 Years Later, Remembering King, and the Battles That Outlived Him: In his last years, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was grappling with many issues: workers’ rights, a sprawling protest movement, persistent segregation and poverty. We inherited them all by Rachel L. Swarns on April 4, 2018.

Click Here to Read and View: The question that haunts Martin Luther King’s last day in Memphis By John Blake on the CNN website on April 3, 2018.

Click Here to Read and View:  Martin Luther King Jr. on the History Channel Website. Continue reading Martin Luther King: January 15, 1929 to April 4, 1968

Did Hans Asperger save children from the Nazis — or sell them out?

Click Here to Read: Did Hans Asperger save children from the Nazis — or sell them out? Reviewing Steve Silberman’s Neurotribes, Simon Baron-Cohen, our leading authority on autism, wonders what really went on in Asperger’s children’s clinic in ‘Aryanised’ 1940s Vienna by Simon Baron-Cohen on the Spectator website on on September 12, 2015.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Photograph #13129