Gangsters vs. Nazis: How the Jewish mob fought American admirers of the Third Reich

: Bełżec, former German-Nazi extermination camp, Lwowska Street area. In this photograph, the SS staff outside the camp perimeter, from the collections of the Belzec Museum and Ghetto Fighters’ House. German occupied Poland, 1942. Further info at Bełżec extermination camp. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Click Here to Read: Gangsters vs. Nazis: How the Jewish mob fought American admirers of the Third Reich
By Robert Rockaway on the Tablet Website on July 2, 2018.

The World’s Oldest Holocaust Museum

Click Here to Read: You’’ve probably never heard of the world’s oldest Holocaust museum: Founded in 1933, London’s Wiener Library actively collected material in real time throughout WWII, later playing a key role in the Nuremberg, Eichmann and Irving trials By Robert Philpot in the Times of Israel on June 3, 2018.

At the Wiener Library edit-a-thon 20 November 2016. Photograph by Clem Rutter, Rochester, Kent. ( Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Italy Seeks to Remember Sheltering Holocaust Survivors—and Aliyah Bet

Click Here to Read: Italy Seeks to Remember Sheltering Holocaust Survivors— and Aliyah Bet: As Italy celebrates the birth of the Italian Republic in 1946, its political left finds a use in reviving the history of ordinary Italians who helped WWII refugees make their way to Palestine By Rosie Whitehouse on the Tablet Web Site on May 31, 2018.
A Jewish Brigade Soldier & Nurses of the Jewish Agency Taking Care of Jewish Refugee Children in Florence. This is available from National Photo Collection of Israel, Photography dept. Goverment Press Office (link), under the digital ID D817-007. Public Domain Via Wikimedia Commons.

 Art and the Ascent of the Third Reich

Click Here to Read:   Art and the Ascent of the Third Reich: By returning to the details of life embedded in bodies, objects, and the earth, the artists featured in Before the Fall at Neue Galerie conveyed the hope that the world might reassemble itself by Natalie Haddad on the HyperAllergic website on May 18, 2018.

Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-729-0001-23 / Meister / CC-BY-SA 3.0.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.