Coming Soon: Two Graphic Novels by Sarah Boxer

Click Here to Read about and PreOrder:  Mother May I? by Sarah Boxer from IPBooks. 

Click Here to Read about and PreOrder: In the Floyd Archives by Sarah Boxer from IPbooks.

What is the In the Floyd Archives ? In the Floyd Archives is a graphic novel, drawn and written by Sarah Boxer, lightly based on Freud’s famous case histories – the Wolf Man, the Rat Man, Dora and Little Hans. The psychoanalyst, Dr. Floyd, is a bird. Continue reading Coming Soon: Two Graphic Novels by Sarah Boxer

POETRY MONDAY: April 1, 2019

Well, here we are in the strangely appearing and disappearing spring we have here in the Northeastern U.S.  No leaves or even buds yet, but the sun is shining today.  And here I am, at the beginning of Poetry Month, with my usual exhortation.

Exhortation, you say?  Yes, I say.  Keep poetry alive!

But how?  So many ways, and I will now tell you exactly what to do.

Step away from your desk.  Throw open the door and go to your nearest book store – preferably an independent one, but if you are not lucky Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: April 1, 2019