New from IPBooks: Psychoanalytic Technique with Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Ivan Sherick

Click Here to Purchase: Psychoanalytic Technique with Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Ivan Sherick.  Email or call 718-728-7416 for a special 20% off offer.


I have decided to write this Introduction following the positive reception of a recent earlier book, Introduction to Child, Adolescent, and Adult Development:

A Psychoanalytic Perspective for Students and Professionals, published by IP Books. That book was written in a “reader-friendly” manner. I used technical language with clear and simple definitions, did not include references, or footnotes, and it was not styled as an academic scholarly treatise. I have endeavored to write this book in the same fashion. Technical terms are italicized. Continue reading New from IPBooks: Psychoanalytic Technique with Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Ivan Sherick

POETRY MONDAY: May 7, 2018

James Kraft

Just because National Poetry Month is over, dear readers, doesn’t mean that we have stopped thinking and writing about poetry.  It’s always a pleasure to introduce a poet in this column.

Our poet today has had such a long and distinguished career as an educator, arts administrator, biographer, reviewer and editor that it’s hard to believe he ever had time to write a poem.  Nevertheless, he produced two fine volumes: reunion, in 1987 (New York: The Promise of Learning, Inc.) and Walker, a collaboration with artist James De Woody, privately printed in an edition of eighty numbered copies in 1992.

Born in Washington, D.C., he was educated at the Canterbury School in Connecticut, Princeton University, where he received a High Honors B.A., the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford, England, and Cambridge University, King’s College.  From Fordham University he received his M.A. and Ph.D. in English.

To briefly enumerate the positions he has held: Visiting Professor at the Universite Laval in France; Director, Office of Special Projects for the National Endowment for the Humanities; Dean of the Adult Division at the New School for Social Research; Senior Consultant at Brakeley, John Price Jones, Inc., responsible for consultation on management and fund-raising for non-profit cultural groups; Assistant Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art; Vice-President for Development at the Manhattan School of Music; Consultant to the London Symphony Orchestra and the American Craft Museum; and, most recently, a teacher of American Literature for the Berkshire Institute for Lifetime Learning in Pittsfield, MA, the Mercantile Library and the New York Society Library in NYC; the Mount in Lenox, MA, and libraries in Scoville and Salisbury, Ct. He has also taught at Wesleyan University, Phillips Academy, Andover and the University of Virginia.

We tell you all this here, because some of you may already have met James Kraft at one of these venues.  His Continue reading POETRY MONDAY: May 7, 2018

Ezra Pound’s Anti-Semitism

“The worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-Semitism.”

Ezra Pound

I am unable to determine when Pound made that comment but for an in-depth and detailed (long) discussion of Pound’s antisemitism citing multiple sources and many of his own writings see the following

Click here to read: “Pound’s Anti-Semitism at St. Elizabeths: 1945-1958” by Ellen Cardona from Flash Point’s Spring 2012 Web Issue.

Click Here to Read:  Merle Molofsky on Pound’s Anti-Semitism.

‘Awakening,’ a Short Story by Isaac Babel

Click Here to Read:  ‘Awakening,’ a Short Story by Isaac Babel: A new English translation for May Day By Maxim D. Shrayer on the Tablet website on May 1, 2018.

Click Here to Read:  Isaac Babel: Anthropologist of the Human Soul and of Human Cruelty on the Mosaic website on January 23, 2018.

Click Here to Read:  The Horror, the Horror Gary Saul Morson in the New York Review of Books in the February 8, 2018 Issue.

Click Here to Read: A Conversation with ‘Finding Babel’ Producer and Grandson Andre Malaev Babel By Masha Leon in the Jewish Daily Forward on October 28, 2016.

Isaac Babel before 1937 Continue reading ‘Awakening,’ a Short Story by Isaac Babel