New from IPBooks: emma and her selves: a memoir of treatment and a therapist’s self discovery by May Benatar


Click Here to Purchase:  emma and her selves by May Benatar

emma and her selves is the story of a long term psychotherapeutic relationship between a woman with multiple identities, someone diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dr. May Benatar shares some of her own process as a therapist discovering the ubiquity of trauma in both the general population and in clinical populations. As she begins to treat victims of childhood sexual abuse she comes to understand that dissociation and the creation of sequestered part selves are the common consequence of trauma.

Along the way she meets Emma and her many selves and is changed ocer the 20 years of their work together. She learns that “parts” exist in all of us, we all have many faces, many states of mind that are called forth in different circumstance. The difference between Emma and more ordinary folks is the degree of access we have to these states and our ability to integrate them within a whole personality.  Dr. Benatar becomes more familiar with her own parts in the process of treating Emma.

There are obstacles and triumphs, mystery and spiritual encounter threaded throughout the narrative.

Continue reading New from IPBooks: emma and her selves: a memoir of treatment and a therapist’s self discovery by May Benatar

Henry Lothane’s Letter to New York Times on Banality of Evil

Click Here to Read:  Henry Lothane’s Letter to New York Times on Banality of Evil.  This letter was unpublished.

Click Here to Read:  Hannah Arendt on Loneliness as the Common Ground for Terror and How Tyrannical Regimes Use Isolation as a Weapon of Oppression by Maria Popova on the Brain Pickings website on December 20, 2016.

Click Here to Read: Reflections on Violence by Hannah Arendt in the New York Review of Books on July 11, 2013.

Click Here to Read: Hannah Arnedt on Philosophy Thursday on this website.

Click Here to Read: Lonely Thinking: Hannah Arendt on Film on this website Continue reading Henry Lothane’s Letter to New York Times on Banality of Evil

New from A Path with No Name: A Collection of Poetry and Paintings by Mali Mann

Click Here to Purchase: Path with No Name: A Collection of Poetry and Paintings by Mali Mann,

Praise for A Path with No Name: A Collection of Poetry and Paintings by Mali Mann

Impressive in the range of their subjects,forms,and moods,Mann’s poems leave a lasting mark on the readers’ senses!
Salman Akhtar , author of  Blood and Ink Continue reading New from A Path with No Name: A Collection of Poetry and Paintings by Mali Mann

Has the English Translation of “Pharaoh’s Heart Was Hardened” Been Wrong All Along?

Click Here to Read: Has the English Translation of “Pharaoh’s Heart Was Hardened” Been Wrong All Along? Figuring out the right way to characterize Pharaoh’s heart bt Plologos on the Mosaic website on April 11, 2018.

Statue of pharaoh Khafre (Khefren), probably from Memphis, now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Height: 77cm, alabaster with traces of polychrome.
Date:20 August 1992 Photo by Juan R. Lazaro. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons