A Quote for Yom Ha Shoah – Holocaust Rememberance Day

“This was the end. This was the sum total of hundreds of generations of building, of Torah, of piety, of freethinking, of Zionism, of Bundism, of struggles and of battles, of the hopes of an entire people – this empty desert I looked around me at what had been the Jews of Warsaw. I felt one hope, and I feel it now. May this sea of emptiness bubble and boil, may it cry out eternal condemnation of the murderers and pilagers, may it be forever the shame of the civilized world which saw and heard and chose to remain silent”

B Goldstein (2005). Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto: the stars bear witness
Oakland CA AK Press

Click here to Read: Richards, A (2012). Witnessing the Death of Yiddish Language and Culture. Holes in the Doorposts in  The Power of Witnessing edited by N Goodman and M Meyers. Routledge New York

Click Here for the Website for The Power of Witnessing

Click Here to Read:  The Holocaust’s long reach: Trauma is passed on to survivors’ children by Ian Brown in The Globe and Mail on April 3, 2015.

In Memorium: Henry Seiden

We regret to announce that Henry Seiden, Psychoanalyst and IPBooks poetry author, has died.  We offer our condolences and sympathies to his family and friends.

Click Here to Read: Henry Seiden’s Website.

Click Here to Read:  Poetry Monday: Henry Seiden on this website on July 4, 2016.

Click Here to Purchase:  Spaldeen: Poems by Henry M. Seiden on IPBooks.net

Click Here to Purchase:  How I Became a Psychologist:  Poems by Heny Seiden  on IPBooks.net