Click Here to Read: ROOM 10.21 Roundtable.
Click Here to Read: New York Times Report on Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938: A New York Times story from November 10, 1938, that reports on the events of Kristallnacht in Munich and other cities around Germany on the Facing History website.
German citizens look the other way on Nov. 10 1938, the day after Kristallnacht. What they see or don’t want to see are destroyed Jewish shops and houses. Image: Author Unknown. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Click Here to Read: Justice Alito complains, but the evidence is clear: This Supreme Court was built by dark money: Alito wants us to believe everything is going great at the Supreme Court. And so it is — for big Republican donors By SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE on the Salon website on October 14, 2021.
The Supreme Court as composed October 27, 2020 to present. Credit: Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Click Here to Read: Dreyfus, Zionism, and Sartre: Captain Alfred Dreyfus would have been 162 years old today. His legacy on the left is dying, while the malice that targeted him is alive and well. BY David Mikis on the Tablet Website on October 08, 2021.
Captain Alfred Dreyfus. Image Henry Roger-Viollet Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.