Click Here to Read:The Psychoanalysis Daily on December 23, 2020.
Category: Politics
FDR, the Nazis, and the Jews of Morocco
Zionism and Bolshevism
Click Here to Read: Zionism and Bolshevism: In 1917, two answers to Russia’s ‘Jewish Question’ swept west and helped transform the world By Chimen Abramsky on the Tablet website on December 17, 2020.
Illustrated Sunday Herald article by Winston S. Churchill. Image: old Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
The Event That Sparked the Movement to Free Soviet Jewry
Click Here to Read: The Event That Sparked the Movement to Free Soviet Jewry: Fifty years ago, the Leningrad Trial spurred the American Jewish community to action by Glenn Richter and Avi Weiss on the Tablet website on December 15, 2020. Jewish Emgiration from the USSR, before and after the First Leningrad Trial.. Image: Azk0702 Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
The Life of Viktor Frankl
American ‘Auschwitz’
Click Here to Read:American ‘Auschwitz’: A late-1970s surge in interest in the Holocaust coincided with a new ‘survivor’ mentality found in unexpected places, including Detroit and the Bee Gees BY Henry Greensapn on the Tablet website on December 7. 2020.
Ford Escorts coming down the production line at Cork. Image: Pododonnell100. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Why Did So Many Doctors Become Nazis?
Click Here to Read: Why Did So Many Doctors Become Nazis? In the answer, and its consequences, a bioethicist finds moral lessons for today’s professional healer By Ashley K. Fernandes on the Tablet website on December 10, 2020.
Josef Mengele, Auschwitz. Album Höcker. Image: Author Unknown. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.