‘I met someone whose family gave me life’

Click Here to Read: ‘I met someone whose family gave me life’ – 72 years on, Holocaust survivor thanks the son of the Dutch hero who bought her freedom when she was just a baby by bribing an SS guard By LYDIA WILLGRESS on the Daily Mail website on September 1, 2015.

The transit camp of the former barracks ” Lieutenant-General Dossin de Saint-Georges ” in Mechelen. Image: JMDV – Fonds Kummer

















The New Anti-Semitism is the Old Anti-Semitism

Click Here to Read:  The New Anti-Semitism is the Old Anti-Semitism By  Rabbi Yonason Goldson on the Jewish Press website on 20 Elul 5779 – September 20, 2019.

“History Repeats Itself”. “This is the U.S. in the Hands of the Jews”. Anti-Semitic USA political cartoon in 1896. Portrays Uncle Sam being crucified like Jesus. Two figures labeled “Wall Street Pirates” with caricatured Jewish features poke him with a spear and raise a poisoned sponge to his lips. The tub of poison is labeled “Debt”, the poisoned sponge “Interest on Bonds”, and the spear “Single Gold Standard”. Below, figures labeled “Republicanism” (Caricature of James G. Blaine) and “Democracy” (Caricature of Grover Cleveland) pick Uncle Sam’s pockets.

An Excerpt from “Women: Biology Culture and Literature” by Howard Schwartz: Dr. Blasey Ford’s Story

Click Here to Read: An excerpt from “Women: Biology Culture and Literature” by Howard Schwartz: Dr. Blasey Ford’s Story.

Click Here to Purchase:  Women: Biology, Culture and Literature by Howard L. Schwartz.

Image: Christine Blasey Ford, 27 September 2018.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

On Making a Professional Will by Howard L. Schwartz, MD

Click Here to Read: On Making a Professional Will by Howard L. Schwartz, MD
Click Here to Purchase:  Women: Biology, Culture and Literature by Howard L. Schwartz
Click Here to Purchase: Hide and Seek/Hidden and Found: In Search of a Balanced Life: Psychoanalytic Memoirs, Stories, and Essays by Howard L. Schwartz
Click Here to Purchase: All Aboard by Howard L. Schwartz, MD

The Cool Kids: Self-mutilation as a Jewish cultural strategy and the sad history of the Yevsektsiya

Click Here to Read: The Cool Kids: Self-mutilation as a Jewish cultural strategy and the sad history of the Yevsektsiya By Dara Horn on the Tablet website on September 6, 2019. 

 The presidium of the 9th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). 1920. Sitting (from left): Abel Yenukidze, Mikhail Kalinin, Nikolai Bukharin, Mikhail Tomsky, Mikhail Lashevich, Lev Kamenev, Evgeny Preobrazhensky, Leonid Serebryakov, Vladimir Lenin and Alexei Rykov. Standing: Nikolay Krestinsky, Vladimir Milyutin, Ivar Smilga.