Research is revealing how we can learn to stand up to authority

Click Here to Read: Research is revealing how we can learn to stand up to authority: What it takes to stand up to authority Most people do what authority figures tell them to – even when they disagree. The reason, it turns out, is hidden in the brain. The good news? It can be changed By Martha Henriques on the BBV Future website on July 13, 2018.
Photo: Gabriele Giuseppini. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Robert Mueller’s closing argument in the case of the United States of America v. Donald Trump, et al.

Click Here to Read: Robert Mueller’s closing argument in the case of the United States of America v. Donald Trump, et al. Editorial by Stephen L. Richards, Esq. To Contact Stephen Richards:  Law Office of Stephen L. Richards 53 W. Jackson, Suite 756, Chicago, IL 60604 Toll Free: 866-852-6426 Phone: 773-877-3259 Fax: 773-634-8107 Email :

Click Here for Stephen Richards’s Website.