A Response to Psychoanalysis and the Left: Comment by Bob Samuels

From a psychoanalytic perspective, here is what I think the article “Freud Save America” gets right and wrong. On a clinical level, there is a real threat to free association if political correctness blocks the ability of people to say what is on their mind without censoring. On the other hand, analysis can provide the space and time for people to reflect on their internal struggle between their own thoughts and what they think is now acceptable. However, analysis only works if people say everything without self-censoring.

As I have written in my book (Mis)Understanding Freud, there is a threat posed to analysis by a certain Left-wing idea that one can only be analyzed by someone who belongs to the same identity group. This misguided application of identity polit Continue reading A Response to Psychoanalysis and the Left: Comment by Bob Samuels

The Developing Child and the Adult Patient: Selected Papers of Manuel Furer edited by Herbert Wyman from IPBooks.net

Now Available on IPBooks.net 

Click Here to Purchase: The Developing Child and the Adult Patient: Selected Papers of Manuel Furer edited by Herbert Wyman from IPBooks.net
From Herbert Wyman’s Editor’s Introduction

“There is an aspect of psychoanalytic thinking…that should now be made explicit: The era of the domination of American ego psychology, which found its culmination in the ideas of Heinz Hartmann, is over”(1999)

With these words Dr Manuel Furer marked the transition of psychoanalysis from the field into which he entered as a candidate in the 1950’s to the field in which he had emerged as an important leader throughout the subsequent half century.
The  transition is ongoing and has not been easy. The first two sections of this volume depict Furer’s efforts realistically to integrate this transition, to separate out  new ideas from old, to criticize some new theories and to support others, all the while striving to preserve what he held to be the fundamental clinical techniques of psychoanalysis.

The first part of this volume  “Psychoanalytic Technique in the World of Pluralism”  contains papers devoted to the discussion of various theoreticians and their influence toward the progression or retrogression of the field. The second part of this volume  “Psychoanalytic Training”  extends this discussion into the field of education, and conveys Furer’s dedication as a teacher, supervisor, and administrator.
Readers may well recognize Manuel Furer more  readily from the third part of this volume “Psychoanalysis and the Developing Child” Here will be found his most important contributions toward the study of the emotional disorders of early childhood, and also his work on Separation/Individuation with Margaret Mahler.   As was well known to every child who met him, and every adult  who worked with him, Manny Furer had special gifts of warmth and empathy. His signature concept of “emotional refueling” conveys these gifts.

The introductions to the  Freud lectures and to the Furer Symposium offer  biographical portraits  of one of our generation’s most multitalented psychoanalysts.

Herbert M Wyman MD

August 2021

Continue reading The Developing Child and the Adult Patient: Selected Papers of Manuel Furer edited by Herbert Wyman from IPBooks.net

Review of The Analyst as Storyteller/El Analista Como Narrador Edited by Cordelia Schmitt-Hellerau. 

Click Here to Read:  The Analyst as Storyteller/El Analista Como Narrador Edited by Cordelia Schmitt-Hellerau.  Reviewed by Jeffrey Berman.  Review to appear in a forthcoming issue of the American Imago Journal.

Click Here to Purchase:  The Analyst as Storyteller/El Analista Como Narrador Edited by Cordelia Schmitt-Hellerau.