27th Annual Day in Psychoanalysis Saturday, `April 21, 2018, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Hart House, University of Toronto Cost:$229 regular and $129 student* (after February 1, 2018) Open to all by registration. Preregistration is required
Death: Instinct, Drive or Fantasy? Presenter: Arlene Kramer Richards, Ed.D Discussant: Stephen Leibow, MD, FRCPC This is a paper about the usefulness of the idea of death instinct. It compares the death instinct, death drive and unconscious or conscious fantasy of what happens after death.
Death and Immortality in Myth and Mind Presenter: Arnold D. Richards, MD Discussant: Joseph Fernando, MD This paper will be concerned with death and immortality fantasies. It proposes that the conscious and unconscious immortality fantasies operate in dreams and waking life. The wish for immortality is expressed in myths in many cultures and in religions as well. Continue reading 27th Annual Day in Psychoanalysis with Arlene Kramer Richards and Arnold Richards at University of Toronto