On the Subject’s Relation to Knowledge with Paola Mieli at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents

On the Subject’s Relation to Knowledge, Paola Mieli
Friday, March 16, 2018, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The School of Visual Arts, 136 West 21st Street, Room 408, New York, NY

Returning to Freud and Lacan, this seminar will reflect on the function that knowledge and belief play in the subject’s relation to the world. Denial, disavowal, foreclusion—and theirsubjective and collective implications—will be explored, as well as the differences between unconscious and conscious knowledge, between savoir, connaissance and savoir faire. Continue reading On the Subject’s Relation to Knowledge with Paola Mieli at Après-Coup

Recruitment evening at NYPSI

The New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute invites you to  a clinical series: FROM THE CHAIR TO THE COUCH 2017 – 2018

Interested in learning more about psychoanalysis and how to deepen your clinic practice? Please join us for this year’s final evening.

You are invited on Thursday, April 12th, at 7PM to join NYPSI candidates Nicole Regent and Amber Nemeth, and NYPSI member Hilli Dagony-Clark for a casual evening to discuss the nuts and bolts of psychoanalytic training at NYPSI and to answer any questions you have about training or the Institute.

Please RSVP by April 2nd to let us know whether you can join us and we will send you the apartment address.

As usual food and beverages will be served. We plan to have a lively discussion and hope you can join us.

Thank you,

Hilli Dagony-Clark, PsyD
Continue reading Recruitment evening at NYPSI

T. Berry Brazelton 1918-2018

Click Here to Read:  Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, Who Explored Babies’ Mental Growth, Dies at 99 By Sandra Blakeslee n The New York Times on March 14, 2018.

Click Here to Read:  Obituaries: T. Berry Brazelton, pediatrician who soothed generations of parents, dies at 99 By Emily Langer in the New York Times on March 13, 2018.

Click Here to Read:  T. Berry Brazelton on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: At 95, Brazelton shares ‘A Life Caring for Children’ by Nanci Hellmich in USA TODAY on May 1, 201.3

Click Here to Read and Listen To:   Brazelton: Listening to Children — and Their Parents on the NPR website on May 10, 2007. Continue reading T. Berry Brazelton 1918-2018

The Elusive Good Object with Lynne Zeavin at NYPSI

NYPSI’s 1028th Scientific Program Meeting: The Elusive Good Object with presenter Lynne Zeavin, Psy.D. and discussant Richard Zimmer, M.D.

The Elusive Good Object Presenter: Lynne Zeavin, Psy.D. Discussant: Richard Zimmer, M.D.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 8 pm New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute 247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)

There are two distinct ways in which Melanie Klein writes about idealization. Insofar as she maintains that “The whole of [the infant’s] instinctual desires and his unconscious phantasies imbue the breast with qualities going far beyond the actual nourishment it affords,” and her increasingly stressed conviction that the libidinally invested breast, when introjected, forms ‘the core of the ego’, Klein is suggesting that the original good object must be experienced as ideal. Nothing less than this would adequately address ‘the whole of [the infant’s] instinctual desires.’ In this view, the infant projects his entire loving capacity, as well as his capacity for pleasure, onto the object and this is then introjected, together with the object’s actual goodness, to become his very core. Continue reading The Elusive Good Object with Lynne Zeavin at NYPSI