Click Here to View: Seeing hallucinations in the brain, Video on the Chris Mathys website.
Category: Psychoanalysis
Atypical brain development observed in preschoolers with ADHD symptoms
Click Here to Read: Atypical brain development observed in preschoolers with ADHD symptoms: NIH-funded study uses high-resolution brain scans to uncover structural changes on the National Institutes of Health website on March 26, 2018.
Maturation of the brain, as reflected in the age at which a cortex area attains peak thickness, in ADHD (above) and normal development (below). Lighter areas are thinner, darker areas thicker. Light blue in the ADHD sequence corresponds to the same thickness as light purple in the normal development sequence. The darkest areas in the lower part of the brain, which are not associated with ADHD, had either already peaked in thickness by the start of the study, or, for statistical reasons, were not amenable to defining an age of peak cortex thickness. Movie of same data below. Source: NIMH Child Psychiatry Branch. National Institute of Mental Health Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons,
Kurt R. Eissler and the Sigmund Freud Archives
On Klein’s r/evolution in psychoanalysis Ron Britton, MD at IPTAR
IPTAR PRESENTS REVOLUTIONS IN TECHNIQUE: On Klein’s r/evolution in psychoanalysis Ron Britton, MD Discussant: Neal Vorus, PhD
Moderator: Carolyn Ellman, PhD May 5th, 2018 9:00 am – 4:30 pm IPTAR, 1651 Third Ave, suite 205 Register here:
ADMISSION General: $125 includes 5 CE credits Candidates: $25 includes 5 CE credits
9am – 9:30am — BREAKFAST
9:30am – 10:45 am: Dr. Ron Britton (followed by audience Q&A)
The paper describes the evolution of so called post-Kleinian analysis and its current style as exemplified in the work of Ronald Britton. The development of a method of using psychoanalysis with young children largely based on the application of dream analysis to children’s play made considerable changes to adult analysis. A child case is described that illustrates manifest recapitulation in play of an immediate life trauma and its segregation from the primitive phantasy that existed in the child’s frightening dream life. The paper discusses some of Britton’s own ideas and those shared with others such as John Steiner that have influenced technique as well as theorizing such as the concept of triangular space, thick and thin narcissistic organisations and the post- Continue reading On Klein’s r/evolution in psychoanalysis Ron Britton, MD at IPTAR
The Again Psychoanalyst with Joyce Slochower at MITPP
The Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, The Metropolitan Center for Mental Health and
The Metropolitan Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists Invite you to a Scientific Meeting
Here’s a paradox: psychoanalytic practice focuses on the impact of early loss, trauma, and conflict as they inform and shape patient and analyst’s experience in the present. Whatever our particular theory, we’re accustomed to making these links and helping people unpack and move beyond their personal ghosts. But there’s a future ghost that we avoid examining, no matter whom we’re working with. It is the ghost of who we will become—of our own aging. Most of us avoid dealing with the inevitability of growing old, much less our death. We avoid examining, much less theorizing, its impact on us as analysts. How will we manage the impending diminishment of capacity that often comes with aging? How will we help our patients confront this, and other actualities associated with aging? Continue reading The Again Psychoanalyst with Joyce Slochower at MITPP
The vicissitudes of idealization in the Psychoanalytic Encounter at IPTAR
Sunday Salon at IPTAR Institute for Psychoanalytic Training & Research “But no perfection is so absolute that some impunity doth not pollute.”
The vicissitudes of idealization in the Psychoanalytic Encounter
Sunday April 15, 2018, Roundtable 2:30-4:30 all are invited, Open House reception to follow 4:30-5:30 IPTAR: 1651 Third Ave. #205 (92nd and Third Ave.)
Monica Carsky, PhD (IPTAR Member and Faculty) Jeri Isaacson, PhD (IPTAR Member) Sujatha Subramanian, PhD (IPTAR Member and Faculty)
Moderator: Judith Hanlon, PhD (IPTAR Fellow and Faculty)
Please RSVP Continue reading The vicissitudes of idealization in the Psychoanalytic Encounter at IPTAR