Click Here to Read: Persistent, Severe Postnatal Depression Impacts Child Development by Jenna Payesko on the MD Mag website on February 18, 2018.
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Click Here to Read: Antonio Gramsci on Wikipedia.
Click Here to Read: Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937 on the website.
Click Here to Read: Why Antonio Gramsci is the Marxist thinker for our times The late Italian philosopher’s concept of hegemony was startlingly prescient by George Eaton on the New Statesman website on February 5, 2018.
Click Here to Read: The strange afterlife of Antonio Gramsci’s “Prison Notebooks”: Groups from across the political spectrum have drawn on the Marxist theorist’s ideas by Prospero on The Econonmist website on November 7th 2017
Click Here to Read: Antonio Gramsci, schooling and education on the Infed website. Continue reading Philosophy Thursday: Antonio Gramsci
Click Here to Read: ‘France is 50 years behind’: the ‘state scandal’ of French autism treatment: A reliance on psychoanalysis sees autistic children going undiagnosed, being placed in psychiatric units and even being removed from their parents by Angelique Chrisafis on Feburary 8, 2018.
Photo by Scott Vaughan
Continuing Education Program: 2 CONTACT HOURS for licensed social workers
329 East 62nd Street — New York, NY 10065 — (212) 838-8044 — —
Psychoanalytic Reflections: Searching for a Passionate Neutrality
Sandra Buechler, PhD Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018 , Time: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm, General Admission is FREE!
Cost: $20.00 (applies only to licensed social workers wanting to receive their CE certificates)
Contact Hours: 2
Everything I have written can be understood as an effort to find a sufficiently passionate form of treatment. In one of the papers in my collection, Psychoanalytic Reflections: Training and Practice (2017, IP Books) I explore how profound feelings about life and health can be integrated into an analytic approach that also honors the concept of neutrality. In this talk I consider how the clinician can inspire active hope, engage in treatment emotionally, facilitate fighting depression, and other challenges. Continue reading Psychoanalytic Reflections: Searching for a Passionate Neutrality with Sandra Buechler at AIP