Review of Introduction to Child, Adolescent, and Adult Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective for Students And Professionals by Ivan Sherick from

Click Here to Read a Review  of Introduction to Child, Adolescent, and Adult Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective for Students and Professionals by Ivan Sherick; IPBooks (2012; 183 pages) Reviewed by Denia Barrett, LCSW. The review appeared in the AAPCSW Newsletter, Spring 2018 issue.
Click Here to Purchase: Development, Psychopathology, And Treatment Techniques Across The Life-Span by Ivan Sherick. 
This volume includes all 3 books in this series: Introduction to Child, Adolescent, & Adult Development: A Psychoanalytic Perspective for Students and Professionals; Introduction to Understanding Psychopathology; and Psychoanalytic Technique with Children, Adolescents, and Adults.  


How a jade ornament from China casts new light on Freud’s psyche

Click Here to Read: How a jade ornament from China casts new light on Freud’s psyche: An exhibition at the analyst’s London home, now a museum, aims to unlock what the Orient meant to him by Vanessa Thorpe on the Guardian website on January 16,  2022.

Photograph of the family of Sigmund Freud. Front row: Sophie, Anna and Ernst Freud. Middle row: Oliver and Martha Freud, Minna Bernays. Back row: Martin and Sigmund Freud.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons