Angry Outbursts and Erotic Insinuation: What Freud Was Really Like

Click Here to Read and Listen To:  Angry Outbursts and Erotic Insinuation: What Freud Was Really Like: The father of psychoanalysis insisted that his students maintain neutrality vis-a-vis their own patients, but he himself tended to be impulsive and often crossed the line with his analysands by Ofer Aderet  on the Ha’aretz website on  August 5, 2021.

Psychology is in a crisis. But not the one you’re thinking of

Click Here to Read:  Psychology is in a crisis. But not the one you’re thinking of: Can we still have faith in psychology in the face of the ‘replication crisis’? Perhaps, but the field has a much larger problem to tackle. By Dr Lisa Feldman-Barrett on the Science Focus website on August 12th, 2021.|
Image: Ben Taylor,  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.