Click Here to Read: Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute website
Category: Psychoanalysis
Impossible Selves
Scientists Are Finally Figuring Out Why We Dream, And It’s Probably Exactly What You’d Think
Click Here to Read: Scientists Are Finally Figuring Out Why We Dream, And It’s Probably Exactly What You’d Think
Michelle Starr on the Science Alert website on July 24, 2018.
Illustration: Josephs Dream, as in Genesis 37:9–10, illustration from the 1890 Holman Bible.Illustrators of the 1890 Holman Bible. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
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Research is revealing how we can learn to stand up to authority
Click Here to Read: Research is revealing how we can learn to stand up to authority: What it takes to stand up to authority Most people do what authority figures tell them to – even when they disagree. The reason, it turns out, is hidden in the brain. The good news? It can be changed By Martha Henriques on the BBV Future website on July 13, 2018.
Photo: Gabriele Giuseppini. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons