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American Psychoanalytic Association Annual Meeting Palmer House Hilton Hotel
17 East Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60603
Friday June 22nd, 2018
1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Chair: Henry J. Friedman, M.D. (Cambridge, MA)
Authors & Presenters: Arnold Richards, Ph.D. (New York, NY)
Steven Stern, Psy.D.* (Yarmouth, ME)
Books: “Psychoanalysis: Critical Conversations Volume 1” “Needed Relationships and Psychoanalytic Healing:
A Holistic Relational Perspective on the Therapeutic Process” This session will include presentations by Steven Stern, Psy.D. and Arnold Richards, Ph.D. Dr. Stern’s book, “Needed Relationships and Psychoanalytic Healing” extends Kohut’s self-psychology concept of the self-object and specificity theory to a fuller picture of what the analytic relationship provides for individual patients. He represents the expression of self-psychology’s best clinical practices. Dr. Richards’, “Psychoanalysis: Critical Conversations Volume 1,” “follows the leitmotif of “integrative pluralism”: how to continue the dialogue between the contributors of disparate psychoanalytic schools of thought” Continue reading Meet the author: Arnold Richards: Selected Papers Vol 1 at June APsaA Meetings in Chicago
Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents Psychoanalytic Association presents WORKSHOP ON CHILD ANALYSIS: On Bullying: A Psychoanalytic Reflection with Alba Flesler Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:30 am – 2:00 pm The School of Visual Arts 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY
What does the current phenomenon of bullying tell us about the symptoms and jouissances of wider forms of violence? Drawing on clinical material, we will question the causes of human violence in general and of bullying in particular, reflecting on why it occurs primarily in the school.
Suggested Readings: Lacan: Seminars XXII, R.S..I., 1974-75; XXV, The Moment to Conclude, 1977-78. Flesler, Alba: El Niño en Análisis y las Intervenciones del Analista, Ed. Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2011; “El Superyó del Continue reading On Bullying: A Psychoanalytic Reflection with Alba Flesler at Après-Coup