Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Body Pain and Trauma at CFS

The Contemporary Freudian Society Presents Finding Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Body Pain and Trauma
Sunday, October 21, 2018 1:00-4:00pm
PRESENTERS: Paula L. Ellman and Nancy R. Goodman (Chairs).
Part I – Nancy R. Goodman, Janice Lieberman, and Carolyn S. Ellman
Part II – Paula L. Ellman, Batya Monder, and Arlene Kramer Richards

Nancy Goodman and Paula Ellman chair the two parts of this program introducing discoveries from their new book, Finding Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Trauma, and Body Pain: A Clinical Guide (publisher, Routledge 2017. The presentations by contributors in the book demonstrate the way Trauma and Body Pain join and interweave with Narrative in discovering dimensions of unconscious life causing pain and conflict for patients. Emphasis is on the processes involved to make contact with the patient and with unconscious fantasies appearing as scenes in the “theater of the mind”. Continue reading Unconscious Fantasy in Narrative, Body Pain and Trauma at CFS

Phelps says mental health is new passion

Rio de Janeiro – Michael Phelps, dos Estados Unidos, ganha sua 20ª medalha de ouro olímpica, nos 200m nado borboleta, nos Jogos Rio 2016. (Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil)

Click Here to Read: AP Interview: Phelps says mental health is new passion on the My Northwest.com website on May 22, 2018.

Rio de Janeiro – Michael Phelps, dos Estados Unidos, ganha sua 20ª medalha de ouro olímpica, nos 200m nado borboleta, nos Jogos Rio 2016. Photo by; Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons