Remembering Ndakasi, a beloved mountain gorilla

Click Here to Read: Remembering Ndakasi, a beloved mountain gorilla: Nat Geo photographer Brent Stirton reflects on the life of a famous orphaned mountain gorilla Story and Photographs by Stirton as told to Douglas Main on the National Geographic Website on October 8, 2021.

Mountain Gorilla (not Ndakasie) Image: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Scientists Accidentally Discovered Hidden Galaxies At the Edge of Time

Click Here to Read: Scientists Accidentally Discovered Hidden Galaxies At the Edge of Time:  The unexpected discovery suggests that one in five galaxies in the ancient universe may be concealed behind dust by Becky Ferreira on the Vice website on the September 23, 2021.

Caldwell 5, also known as IC 342, is a spiral galaxy located approximately 11 million light-years from Earth. Image: ESA/Hubble Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.