The Planck era: Imagining our infant universe

Click Here to Read: The Planck era: Imagining our infant universe: During the Planck era, the universe was so small that our laws of physics break down. To dive deeper back in time, we’ll need new scientific language By Sten Odenwald  on the website on April 21, 2022 

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) team has made the first detailed full-sky map of the oldest light in the universe. It is a “baby picture” of the universe. Colors indicate “warmer” (red) and “cooler” (blue) spots. The oval shape is a projection to display the whole sky; similar to the way the globe of the earth can be projected as an oval. Image: NASA.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.


Fibrinogen Memoirs 2: The Rise and Fall of the Fibrin Cross-linking Controversy by Michael W. Mosesson

IPBooks is pleased to announce the publication of: Fibrinogen Memoirs 2: The Rise and Fall of the Fibrin Cross-linking Controversy.  by Michael W. Mosesson

Click Here to Purchase: Fibrinogen Memoirs 2: The Rise and Fall of the Fibrin Cross-linking Controversy by Michael W. Mosesson

The Rise and Fall of the Fibrin Cross-linking Controversy concerns the longstanding controversy over the arrangement of ‘cross-linked’ structures within fibrin clots. The narrative covers the period from its origins to its unexpected decline and demise. The decades-long unresolved dispute over whether the cross-links were arranged in a ‘longitudinal’ or a ‘transverse’ position was replaced by the dogma that they were ‘longitudinal’, a structural arrangement that could not account for fibrin’s known elastic properties. The alternative bond arrangement, transverse, was no longer mentioned, despite an overwhelming body of evidence for its existence. This realization, coupled with the understanding that only a transverse bond arrangement Continue reading Fibrinogen Memoirs 2: The Rise and Fall of the Fibrin Cross-linking Controversy by Michael W. Mosesson