Click Here to Read: This Metal-Rich, Potato-Shaped Asteroid Could Be Worth $10 Quintillion: In August, NASA is sending an orbiter to the space object, which may be the partial remains of planet-forming material made of nickel and iron by Elizabeth Gamillo on the Smithsonian website on January 4, 2022.
Artist’s impression of the Psyche asteroid. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/Peter Rubin Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Category: Science
The mind does not exist
How real is the multiverse?
Click Here to Read: How real is the multiverse? Is there another you out there, reading this exact same article? It’s tough to say. By Paul Sutter on the Space website on December 16, 2021.
level I Multiverse, in the Universe, there are many observable areas(The observable areas are marked as red circled with a red cross on ther center) Image: K1234567890y Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
What is scientism, and why is it a mistake?
Click Here to Read: What is scientism, and why is it a mistake? Science is a method of inquiry about nature, while scientism is philosophy. And scientism is no longer up to the challenge of meeting the most pressing issues of our day by Adam Frank on December 9. 2021.
Image: Spiritia Public Domain via WIkimedia Commons
This Mysterious Ancient Civilization’s DNA Was Not What We Thought it Was
Click Here to Read: This Mysterious Ancient Civilization’s DNA Was Not What We Thought it Was: The origins of the ancient Etruscans had remained an unsolved mystery hidden in their DNA — until now By Elizabeth Rayne on the SyFy website on November 27, 2021.
Etruscan sarcophagus from Cerveteri c. 520 BCE. Terra cotta, length 2 m. Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia, Rome. Image: Frank Axelsson Piblic Domain via Wikimedia Commons