“Technofossils” How humanity’s eternal testament will be plastic bags, cheap clothes and chicken bones.

Click Here to Read: “Technofossils” How humanity’s eternal testament will be plastic bags, cheap clothes and chicken bones. Fast fashion and drinks cans among technological-age matter most likely to endure as fossils, say scientists by Damian Carrington on the Guardian website on February 22, 2025.

Waikiki trash Image: 808 Mālama pono.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Lost cities of the Amazon: how science is revealing ancient garden towns hidden in the rainforest

Click Here to Read: Lost cities of the Amazon: how science is revealing ancient garden towns hidden in the rainforest:  Archaeologists using 3D mapping are uncovering the remains of thousands of green metropolises with composted gardens, fisheries, and forests groomed into orchards By Mac Margolis in Rio de Janeiro and Belém, Brazil  on the Guardian website on  February 6, 2025.

Image: Kmusser + Zerind. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Research team stunned after unexpectedly discovering new method to break down plastic

Click Here to Read: Research team stunned after unexpectedly discovering new method to break down plastic: ‘The plastic is gone … all gone’ The university is going through the patent process for this new technology. by Stephen Proctor on the Cool Down website on January 2, 2025.

Plastic and glass pollution covering the Himalayan area of Nepal. This is in Kalinchowk, Dolakha, Nepal. Image:Janak Bhatta, Public Domain via Wikiemedia Common.

In NASA asteroid samples, scientists discover key building blocks of life

Click Here to Read: In NASA asteroid samples, scientists discover key building blocks of life:
An analysis of material taken from the asteroid Bennu suggests the chemical ingredients for life may have been widespread across the early solar system By Denise Chow on the NBC News website on .January 29, 2025.

 An artists’ depiction of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. Image: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) / University of Arizona / Lockheed Martin.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.