The people with hidden immunity against Covid-19

Click Here to Read:  The people with hidden immunity against Covid-19 By Zaria Gorvett  on the BBC website on  July 20th 2020.
Pennsylvania Commonwealth microbiologist Kerry Pollard performs a manual extraction of the coronavirus inside the extraction lab at the Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Laboratories on Friday, March 6, 2020. Image: governortomwolf  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


Bizarre new planet is largest known rocky world, 40 times as massive as Earth

Click Here to Read: Bizarre new planet is largest known rocky world, 40 times as massive as Earth: The bulky object—possibly the core of a failed gas giant—challenges what astronomers think about how planets form by Nadia Drake on the National Geographic website on July 1, 2020.
This artist’s concept depicts select planetary discoveries made to date by NASA’s Kepler space telescope.  Credits: NASA/W. Stenzel.