Click Here to Read: Neutrinos reveal final secret of Sun’s nuclear fusion: Detection of particles produced by the Sun’s core supports long-held theory about how our star is powered by Davide Castelvecchi on June 24, 2020. Image: Sarang. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Category: Science
Dark Matter Experiment Finds Unexplained Signal
Are Trump’s Problems With Walking, Drinking Water Due To Hydroxychloroquine?
The Two Forms of Mathematical Beauty
Click Here to Read: The Two Forms of Mathematical Beauty: Mathematicians typically appreciate either generic or exceptional beauty in their work, but one type is more useful in describing the universe by Robbert Dijkgraaf on the Quanta magazine website on June 16, 2020. Image: Brad Hammonds Public Domain via Wikimedia COmmons.
In the atmosphere of Mars, a green glow offers scientists hints for future visits
Click Here to Read: In the atmosphere of Mars, a green glow offers scientists hints for future visits: The lights are similar to auroras on Earth, but unlike auroras, Mars’ green glow appears as a thin band around the planet.
By Denise Chow on the NBC website on June 16, 2020.
Image: NASA. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Why Gravity Is Not Like the Other Forces
Click Here to Read: Why Gravity Is Not Like the Other Forces: We asked four physicists why gravity stands out among the forces of nature. We got four different answers by Natalie Wolchover on the Quanta Magazine on June 15, 2020. Image: Zátonyi Sándor, (ifj.) Fizped. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.