What to Know About Kessler Syndrome, the Ultimate Space Disaster

Click Here to Read:  What to Know About Kessler Syndrome, the Ultimate Space Disaster: Accumulating space debris is leading us toward a catastrophe that could make portions of Earth orbit inaccessible By George Dvorsky on the Gizmodo website on  November 17, 2021.
The International Space Station.  Image:  NASA/Boeing Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


The Way-Forward Machine: If we want to plan millennia ahead, we should ask how Jews have always done it

Click Here to Read: The Way-Forward Machine: If we want to plan millennia ahead, we should ask how Jews have always done it by Sam Aerbesman ion the Tablet Website on November 10, 2021.

Sephardi Jewish couple from Sarajevo in traditional clothing. Photo taken in 1900.  Image: Unknown Author.  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

What Drove Homo Erectus Out of Africa?

Click Here to Read:   Excavations at the site of ‘Ubeidiya are at the heart of a debate about Homo erectus migrations, with profound implications for questions of human resilience and adaptability By Josie Glausiusz on the Sapiens website on  October 14,  2021.

Homo erectus adult female – head model – Smithsonian Museum of Natural History – 2012-05-17 Image: Tim Evanson  Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.