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Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents Psychoanalytic Ethics and the Social Link
Saturday, June 9, 2018, 10:30 am 2:00 pm
The School of Visual Arts, 136 West 21st Street, New York, NY
Lillian Ferrari, Acting Out in the Cure and the Responsibility of the Analyst
Adriana Passini, Discussant
Peter Gillespie, Demanding Work: Obsessional Neurosis and Neoliberalism Continue reading Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents Psychoanalytic Ethics and the Social Link
Building Blocks of Life Found on Mars
Click Here to Read: Building Blocks of Life Found on Mars: Two landmark discoveries reveal organic carbon on the red planet, shaping the future hunt for life on Mars By Michael Greshko on the National Geographic website on
June 7, 2018.
his artist’s concept depicts the rover Curiosity, of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission, as it uses its Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument to investigate the composition of a rock surface. ChemCam fires laser pulses at a target and views the resulting spark with a telescope and spectrometers to identify chemical elements. The laser is actually in an invisible infrared wavelength, but is shown here as visible red light for purposes of illustration. 9 November 2011 NASA/JPL-Caltech. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Separating children from their parents inflicts more trauma than forcing them to endure war
Why some scientists say physics has gone off the rails: Has the love of “elegant” equations overtaken the desire to describe the real world?
Click Here to Read: Why some scientists say physics has gone off the rails: Has the love of “elegant” equations overtaken the desire to describe the real world? by Dan Falk on the Mach website on June 2, 2018.
An example of simulated data modeled for the CMS particle detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Here, following a collision of two protons, a Higgs boson is produced which decays into two jets of hadrons and two electrons. The lines represent the possible paths of particles produced by the proton-proton collision in the detector while the energy these particles deposit is shown in blue. More CMS events at CMS Media, Author: Lucas Taylor, CERN.