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Pythagoras on the meaning of life and the purpose of wisdom, Annie Dillard on our search for meaning,an illustrated invitation to living with presence.
The disturbing history of Dr. Asperger and the movement to reframe the syndrome
Click Here to Read: The disturbing history of Dr. Asperger and the movement to reframe the syndrome: Its up to them to decide if they want to be named after someone like him. By Hope Reese on the Vox website on May 22, 2018.
Photo: A comparison of the activity between (Temple Grandin’s) Asperger brain and a neurotypical brainBy cyndimccoy. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Appliance of science: Why do we dream?
Click Here to Read: Appliance of science: Why do we dream? by Dr Naomi Lavelle in the Irish Examiner on June 04, 2018.
Gladstone dreams about Queen Victoria’s Christmas dinner. A political cartoon depicting William Gladstone as Charles Dickens’ Scrooge. He is being shown a vision by Benjamin Disraeli as one of the Christmas ghosts of Queen Victoria sharing Christmas dinner with people from different parts of the British Empire including India, Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and North America. Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): CC-BY-4.0
Barbara Kafka, cookbook author who turned up the heat, dies at 84
Xi leads China to win world’s biggest poverty-relief battle
Click Here to Read: Xi leads China to win world’s biggest poverty-relief battle (Xinhua) on the website on June 02, 2018.
A shepherdess rounds up her flock at the end of the day in the Mongolian grass rangelands. Near Taipusi town.
ILRI 2010 Calendar, caption Creating new options for sustainable rangeland development. More efficient production means more healthy ecosystems. Photo: ILRI/Stevie Mann. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons