Click Here to Read: Transhumanist Predictions and the Human Predicament at the Helix Center.
Category: Uncategorized
How to Bear a Bull Market
Click Here to Read: How to Bear a Bull Market: The Psychology of Volatile Securities Trading: The wild up-and-down swings of the markets this week reveals the underlying dynamics of herd behavior in the buying and selling of securities By Simon Makin on the Scientific American website on February 7, 2018
Photo by Alankitassigments
CFS Open House on February 28, 2018
On the Subject’s Relation to Knowledge with Paola Mieli at Après-Coup
Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents
SEMINAR: On the Subject’s Relation to Knowledge with Paola Mieli
Friday, February 16, 2018, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, The School of Visual Arts, 136 West 21st Street, Room 408, New York, NY
Returning to Freud and Lacan, this seminar will reflect on the function that knowledge and belief play in the subject’s relation to the world. Denial, disavowal, foreclusion—and their subjective and collective implications—will be explored, as well as the differences between unconscious and conscious knowledge, between savoir, connaissance and savoir faire.
Readings for February 16th: S. Freud, On the Sexual Theories of Children, 1908, Family Romances, 1908; Neurosis and Psychosis, 1923; J. Lacan, Seminar Book 1, Chapter XXI; M. Foucault, History of Sexuality, Book 1, Chapter 5. Continue reading On the Subject’s Relation to Knowledge with Paola Mieli at Après-Coup
More Than a Trillion Planets Could Exist Beyond Our Galaxy
Register here for: Symposium 2018: On Change
Click Here to Read or Download: Brochure for Symposium 2018: On Change.
Symposium 2018: On Change
Mt Sinai Medical Center, Goldwurm Auditorium
Madison Avenue & 98 Street, New York, NY
Saturday, April 14 2018
6.0 CE contact hours for social workers and licensed psychoanalysts.
Co-sponsors: The Consortium of Psychoanalytic and Psychotherapeutic Publications and Organizations(C3PO), National Institute for Psychoanalytic Education and Research in Clinical Social Work (NIPER) Inc., educational arm of the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (AAPCSW) and National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP)
8:45 to 9:00 AM: Introduction: Art Lynch, DSW
9:00 to 11:00 AM Panel 1
How psychoanalysis changes us: The effect of psychoanalysis on both patient and analyst
Chair and discussant: Robert Michels, MD
Continue reading Register here for: Symposium 2018: On Change
Austen Riggs Center Launches In-Depth Assessment for Individuals Seeking Clarification of Their Mental Health Treatment Needs
For Immediate Release: Media Contact:Aaron M. Beatty Communications Officer 413.931.5245
Austen Riggs Center Launches In-Depth Assessment for Individuals Seeking Clarification of Their Mental Health Treatment Needs
Riggs now offering a new short-term assessment service.
STOCKBRIDGE, MA – January 16, 2018: The Austen Riggs Center is pleased to announce that it has started a new assessment program for adults who are looking to clarify the nature of their struggles and to identify appropriate treatment resources.
The Intensive Dynamic Assessment, or IDA, is a comprehensive, personalized two-
to three-day assessment designed to help people achieve a focused understanding of the problems they are facing. This service is suitable both for people considering treatment for the first time and those who are in a treatment that is no longer progressing. Medical Director/CEO Dr. Andrew Gerber states, “This new assessment reflects a natural evolution and growth in the services Riggs offers, and is a direct result of our Clinical Systems Strategic Initiative that aims to build upon the clinical excellence Riggs has long been known for.” Continue reading Austen Riggs Center Launches In-Depth Assessment for Individuals Seeking Clarification of Their Mental Health Treatment Needs