Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents

READING GROUP: Fiction as Testimony: Reading W. G. Sebald’s Austerlitz
Salvatore F. Guido
Austerlitz is a study of trauma, aging, and memory. It is a literary assemblage that, with poetic intensity, gives voice to silent transformations undergone by the eponymous Austerlitz, as remnants of a past catch up to him at midlife. What does the dawning urgency for Austerlitz to keep appointments with the past tell us about testimony in the aftermath of atrocity? What does his displacement into a temporality that comes to inhabit him reveal about modalities of time that are of special interest to psychoanalysis?
There will be ten meetings, every 2 to 3 weeks, on Sundays from 2 to 4 pm, beginning October 6, 2019.  Future dates TBD.
For information, or to register, please contact Salvatore F. Guido at sfrguido@gmail.com.

Suggested reading: For the first meeting, please read Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald (Modern Library edition). Along with other writings by Sebald, we will take into consideration work by Peter Weiss, Jean Améry, Freud, Lacan, and W. Benjamin among others.
Meeting place: 201 W. 77th Street, 15D, NYC
Salvatore F. Guido is a psychoanalyst practicing in NYC. He is a member and currently on the faculty of Après-Coup, an Overseas Member of APPI, Dublin, and an Honorary Member of Lacan Toronto. His most recent publication appeared in differences (29:1, 2008).

For more information, visit www.apres-coup.org