Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents: READING GROUP Freud’s Case Studies Mark Stafford and Martin Winn  

This reading group will read closely and clinically Freud’s case studies. We will compare and contrast them with Freud’s biographical studies. How Lacan discusses these cases in his seminars will also influence the way these studies are read. 

The group will begin on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, to meet monthly through May 2020. Meetings will take place from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Meeting place: 841 Broadway, Suite 302, New York, NY 10003

To register, please contact Mark Stafford at (917) 543-1937 or Martin Winn at (212) 677-1147.

Mark Stafford is a psychoanalyst in NYC; an alumnus of the Formation Program, and a member and faculty member of Après-Coup. His essays include “The Untranslatable Blue Note: Alain Didier-Weill in the U.S.,” Insistance 12.

Martin Winn is a psychoanalyst in NYC, and a member and faculty member of Après-Coup. He is the author of several articles and papers on psychoanalysis.  

For more information, visit www.apres-coup.org
