Click Here to Read: Israel’s Success Has Surprised Everyone by Daniel Gordis on the Mosaic website on April 20. 2018.

Click Here to Read: How Harry Truman Crossed His Own State Department to Recognize Israel in 1948 Eraim Karsh on the Mosaic website on April 16 2018.

Click Here to Read: Israel proves exceptional, once again by Evelyn Gordon on her website on April 14, 2018.

Click Here to Read: The famous city of Achashverosh revealed. Ruins of ancient Susa (Shushan), Persia By Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman in AMI magazine February 21, 2018 // 6 ADAR 5778.

Flaglettes and banner of the Flag of Israel decorate a house during Israel’s Independence Day, 2007 by MathKnight. Public Domain via Wikmeida Commons